As a salon, stylist or emerging beauty influencer, you’re constantly recommending products to clients and social media followers, and you don’t get a cent for it.

Helping your clients and followers look their best so they can feel their best is noble, but why not cash in on your product recommendations by launching an Amazon Storefront?

The richest entrepreneurs in the world have multiple avenues of income.

As a professional who offers services, one of the thoughts you should be thinking is growing your business and brand so that you don’t have to slave away working.

Amazon has an Influencer Program which lets you earn a small commission on the products you link to your shop. 

Basically, your Amazon shop contains products curated by you that are currently available on Amazon from various different sellers.

A good example of an Amazon storefront done well is our sister site, LuvlyLongLocks dot com. View and browse through the LuvlyLongLocks Shop to get an idea of what your shop can look like, and if you see a product you need, just click on it and you’ll be able to purchase it directly through Amazon.

Learn how an Amazon Storefront can help you earn extra money at

Criteria for Setting Up an Amazon Storefront

According to Amazon, this is the criteria to qualify to set up a storefront: “Influencers across any category can participate in this program. Currently you must have a YouTube, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account to qualify. We look at the number of followers and other engagement metrics of your social media presence.” 

As a matter of fact, you don’t need to produce your own product, store inventory or do anything else that goes along with selling goods online.

Amazon takes care of everything!

All you’re doing is recommending products and earning a small commission for passing along good advice. You just need to sit back and watch the sales roll in. 

Now, guess what? It’s totally FREE to set up shop — the only investment is your time. Plus, once you create your shop, it’s easy to manage thereafter.

Oftentimes, small business owners are limited by strict budgets that are meant to cover operating costs, however, setting up an Amazon storefront for your brand or salon doesn’t cost you a penny.

What’s more, if finding time is what’s holding you back from launching your own Amazon shop, then outsource your shop setup to LuvlyBOSS, just fill out the contact form.

You can also choose from LuvlyBOSS’ Biz Branding Services or Web Design Services. Satisfaction guaranteed!